Introducing you to the coffee-loving crew who contribute to Bean Poet…

Leslie Chang
Leslie is a writer and coffee guzzler currently residing in Los Angeles, although she’s lived in several cities around the world. One of her favorite coffee shops is in Beijing: Metal Hands Coffee Co. You can find her working out of different cafes during work hours, and in the mountains or by the beach on the weekends. Her goal at the moment is to find the perfect blueberry muffin (shoutout to Costco, though) to pair with cortados made with whole milk—her go-to coffee order.

Christina McInulty
Christina is a coffee-loving writer who specializes in distilling the industry’s many facets into fun and engaging content. She aims to help her readers find their next best brew, and hopefully learn a little something along the way.

Erik Rolfsen
Erik worked as a journalist at the Vancouver Province newspaper for 18 years before he founded Bean Poet. He spent half that time as a sports editor and the other half overseeing the newsroom’s digital channels. He spent all of it fuelled by coffee—except for a short-lived green tea phase in 2003 that he’d just as soon forget about. Erik once ordered an espresso in Italy and watched the barista toss his first three attempts down the sink before finally pulling one worth serving. The coffee was divine.

Dr. Molly Spencer
Dr. Molly Spencer earned her Ph.D. in Food Science from UC Davis in 2018. During graduate school, Molly worked closely with the Specialty Coffee Association to redesign the Coffee Taster’s Flavor Wheel. She has since stayed involved in the coffee industry by giving lectures, leading coffee flavor workshops, visiting coffee farms, and of course, tasting coffee. Molly currently lives in Los Angeles, Calif., working as a sensory scientist in the plant-based food industry. She is on a mission to find the best coffee shop in L.A.