The old adage is that people don’t go to the movies to see characters, they go to see themselves. Identifying with what’s on the big screen is what keeps us going back for more. For coffee drinkers, the beverage that makes the world run has been woven into cinema throughout the years. What follows are 11 of our favorite coffee scenes from movies. You can watch them all by visiting the blog post at the link below.

“What do you say I buy you a cup of coffee?” With that line, the stage is set for a showdown of cinematic icons Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, who exchange life philosophies, veiled threats and drink coffee like regular fellows.

Heat (1995)

SPOILERS! Chazz Palminteri’s Agent Kujan spends the movie relentlessly interrogating a low-level criminal, and finally gets his answers at the bottom of his cup of coffee.

The Usual Suspects (1995)

Brewing the “World’s Best Cup of Coffee” is a bold claim, but it can turn a few heads, including that of naïve and overly positive Buddy the Elf. Buddy’s love interest is less than impressed, but perhaps she didn’t see the sign.

Elf (2003)

Starbucks is responsible for grande and venti entering the coffee drinker’s lexicon. In this scene, Paul Rudd’s character has had enough of it and lets the barista know it.

Role Models (2008)

Everyone knows the iconic line “Go ahead…make my day,” but if not for a waitress pouring an egregious amount of sugar into Harry Callahan's usual black coffee, the line would have never been uttered.

Sudden Impact (1983)

Air travel can be stressful for a number of reasons. Uncomfortable seats, cramped bathrooms and low-quality food. All of that is tolerable as long as there is still coffee on the plane. In this scene, there was not.

Airplane II: The Sequel (1982)

The sheer volume of coffee shops, especially Starbucks, plays a role in this absurd how-they-met story from Christopher Guest’s mockumentary classic. Show dog owners Hamilton and Meg Swan’s entire relationship is formed by their mutual love of catalogues, Macbooks and coffee.

Best in Show (2000)

The hammer-wielding God of Thunder finds himself banished to a small town in New Mexico, where he discovers a delightful drink…and makes a mess while expressing his affinity for it.

Thor (2011)

Working for the FBI probably comes with a lot of perks, but Sandra Bullock’s Agent Gracie Hart is never more relatable than when she flashes her badge to push to the front of the Starbucks line.

Miss  Congeniality  (2000)

One of the biggest coffee appreciators in the history of cinema, billionaire Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson), enjoys Sumatra-grown kopi luwak coffee, but little does he know it is made from cat poop.

Bucket List (2007)

Alec Baldwin's obscenely named corporate motivator from “downtown” stops poor Shelley Levine in mid-pour, then delivers a monologue for the ages in this iconic scene. How else could we close out the list?

Glengarry Glen Ross (1991)